
Welcome to Autoware Digital!

World is going digital and it’s happening faster than expected. Digitalization has become a buzz word both in consumer and industrial worlds. Everyone’s life is impacted by the digital transformation: We look for digital products that need to be produces in digital factories. Digital technologies need to be applied to support digital business models and digital organizations. Manufacturing companies contract “digital consultants” to transform their businesses. Technology vendors provide digital solutions to support the digital initiatives. What was missing till yesterday was a digital system integrator to connect all the parts and implement effective digital solutions.

This is the reason I created Autoware Digital the digital counterpart of Autoware. Leveraging twenty years of experience in supporting manufacturing companies in optimizing their production processes providing automation, MES and MOM solutions, Autoware Digital will provide modern, state of the art support to any digital initiative in manufacturing.

We will support you in implementing new technologies (IIoT, Augmented Reality, Analytics, …), in fully integrating the supply chain or in extending your business integrating your products with new services.

We are excited of this new adventure and ready to walk with you in this journey as partners, sharing difficulties and successes.

Luigi De Bernardini
Autoware Digital LLC

Luigi De Bernardini
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